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The Biggest Factor In Your Wellness Journey

At Anoka Massage & Pain Therapy, we realize that wellness is multi faceted. Wellness truly begins on the inside. From what you put in your body in the form of nutrition and supplements to hydration. These all make differences in your mood, nutritional status, and what is showing up in your body.

The biggest factor, however, in your wellness journey begins with your mindset. While getting acupuncture and massage are powerful tools for relieving pain, alone, they are not enough. When you are ready to let go of, the chronic pain you have had in your knee since high-school football, that is when the transformation truly starts.

What does that mean? Oftentimes we identify with a label; “I have fibromyalgia,” or “I have depression,” or “I have chronic back pain.” As long as we hold that belief, all the massage, acupuncture, yoga, or any other treatment can’t be fully effective.

How do we let go of these old beliefs?

  • Stop using the label “I have.”  Instead of giving the condition power that it is a part of you.
  • Journal. Take a few minutes if the symptoms are particularly bothersome or also if they are noticeably less than usual to reflect on what is occurring in your life at that time.
  • Meditate. There is no better way to get in touch with yourself than to spend some quality time in silence.
  • Choose to feel better. Do something you enjoy. Get outside in nature. When the old ‘why me’ tapes start playing in your head, chose a different one. “Today I choose to be happy.”
  • Move your body. Things like exercise and yoga can be designed for every body and every fitness level.
  • Get professional treatments. When you go into your massage or acupuncture treatment, have the mindset that you are ready to release what is no longer in your best interest. You will be surprised at the power of this intention.
  • Put high quality fuel in your body. What you put in, is reflected in your well being. Refined, processed, and cheap and easy foods will show up as tired, sluggish, slow thought processes. The inflammation these foods cause in the body exacerbated pain and autoimmune symptoms like fibromyalgia and migraines.

We want to help you feel like the best possible version of you there is. We have been working hard to create a team that can help support you in all of these areas. We are proud to say, that we are a fully integrative clinic to support you mind, body, and spirit.

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